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Whether you need a case durable enough to handle interplanetary extremes or you just need something hardy enough to withstand the horrors of the baggage claim at JFK, the team at Bel-Air Cases can provide you with the world’s most durable custom shipping cases with wheels.

We entitled this article “Options for the Extreme Traveler,” but, to be honest, these days, just about all travel experiences seem a bit extreme. From finding parking in a gigantic parking garage to navigating through security to finding a semi-clean spot in the airport where you can plug in your mobile phone, just getting to your airport gate can feel like a huge challenge.

Meanwhile, down somewhere in the depths of the airport, your shipping cases are bouncing about on conveyor belts, being stacked on trams and then tossed unceremoniously in the hold of a giant aircraft.

During this perilous journey, they may come into contact with other cargo, extreme temperatures, rain and perhaps even doused with an iced pumpkin spiced latte when the baggage handler trips over a cable and splashes their coffee drink all over your equipment cases (we know this can happen, as we’ve retrieved our share of suspiciously sticky, coffee-scented cases from the airport baggage claim).

No matter what the transportation industry throws at our shipping cases, they are built to handle just about anything. In fact, we build cases for military and aerospace clients, and those cases have to be built to handle the most extreme conditions on earth. Here’s a quick look at how a Bel-Air shipping case can protect your equipment.

Protection Against Humidity

Humidity can wreak havoc on us all. It can lower our energy levels, cause dehydration and even cause our hair to frizz – gasp. If you are transporting expensive equipment in a humid environment, this moist air also can damage your items, as many types of equipment are particularly sensitive to humidity. Our heavy duty shipping cases can protect your equipment from humidity, even in the middle of the Amazon.

Protection Against Rain & Liquids

If your shipping case is left on a rainy tarmac, it absolutely must protect whatever is inside. Our shipping cases with wheels can handle everything from a light misty fog to a torrential downpour or a massive blizzard. Your plane might not be able to take off in these conditions, but your Bel-Air shipping cases will be able to handle the weather with ease.

Protect Against Temperature Extremes

While cargo holds in airplanes are temperature-controlled, this isn’t the case with some cargo holds. It’s also possible that you will be taking your cases to someplace with extreme temperatures, such as Death Valley, Antarctica or perhaps even the Moon. Our cases are built to handle temperature extremes and won’t crack, buckle or melt no matter where your journeys take you.

Protection Against Jostling & Vibration

Delicate equipment can be damaged easily, but our case exteriors and quality custom foam interiors protect delicate items from jostling and vibrations. We never pass off one of our custom cases with a chunk of cheap diced foam. Instead, we craft custom interiors to protect every centimeter of your equipment.

We also can provide you with features such as interior doors, panel mounts, shock mounts, windows and much more. Whether your plastic case with foam is traveling across the desert on a horse with no name or bouncing along the El Camino de la Muerte in Bolivia, the items inside your Bel-Air shipping cases will be safe and secure.

The Bel-Air Difference

Our shipping cases with wheels, however, are crafted from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is one of the most durable materials on earth. This hardy plastic is resistant to moisture and many chemicals and solvents, as well as able to handle extreme temperatures.

It’s also a highly versatile material, providing us with nearly endless case configuration options. Additionally, HDPE is extremely lightweight, which makes it easier and cheaper to transport. Other common types of transport cases, such as fabricated wood cases and roto-molded cases are extremely heavy, which makes them difficult to maneuver (even with wheels) and more expensive to transport.

carry case with wheelsWheel Options

We offer a wide variety of wheel options, and, with many case sizes, you also have the option of adding a telescoping handle. With cases larger than 30”, however, we do often recommend a 3” or 7” end handle instead of a telescoping handle as this case size is already sufficiently long for easy and comfortable maneuvering.

Additional Customization Options

At Bel-Air Cases, we have no off-the-shelf cases. Everything we make is 100% custom, from the exterior size to the interior foam, as well as wheels, handles, latches and locks. Of course, we also can customize the aesthetics of your case.plastic case color options

We offer standard colors of black and silver, as well as a variety of stock colors including white, yellow, orange, red, blue, olive, green and blue. Selecting shipping cases in a bright hue can make it easy to identify and adds a professional touch to your case.

hard case with foam

Additionally, we can create shipping cases, trade show cases and carrying cases with molded-in logos, custom decals or engraved plates. These can be eye-catching features that further promote your brand.

Order Shipping Cases Today!

Our custom shipping cases with wheels can be your best protection against the rigors of transportation. Whether you need just one custom case or multiple shipping cases, the team at Bel-Air is ready to provide you with a case design that meets all of your specifications. To get started, just click on the Request a Quote tab on our homepage and fill out our quick contact form.